A Structured Literature Review on Destination Branding Through In-Flight Magazines

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Ioulia Poulaki https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6861-7136
Eirini Vlassi


in-flight magazines, destination branding, tourism destination, airlines, promotion, destination identity


The aim of this research note is to investigate the literature on the identification of brand identity elements of tourist destinations in airline magazines distributed in flight. The methodology followed concerns a relevant literature review for the years 2008-2023. Academic journals with a citation score of 1.0 or higher in the field of tourism and marketing were initially selected from the Scopus database. As the effort did not bring results, a search was carried out in the entire Scopus database, without the above criteria. The keywords used are inflight magazines, in-flight magazines, destination brand, destination branding, destination image, destination identity, however the search resulted in a very small number of articles (27) of which only four (4) were considered as relevant to the subject under consideration. Thus, any criteria that could be used for the review process were re-examined and the search was conducted on a less 'rigorous' basis, Google Scholar, in order to enrich the data and generate a comprehensive discussion of the research question. Finally, only nine (9) articles were collected for analysis (content and textual), while the findings further highlight the research gap that exists in the literature and the need for further research.


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